Christmas Sweater Party

Christmas Sweater Party

How to heat up a cold night… The men might know how to put on a tournament, but it’s the ladies who know how to put on a paddle party. Last Monday night’s Ugly/Cute Christmas Sweater Party brought out over a dozen of our women’s league players...
Ladies claim, “Everyone is a winner.”

Ladies claim, “Everyone is a winner.”

5 years ago, this image of 18 women, comprised the heart of the TCC Women’s League.  Today, 9 of them remain as active paddle players, along with 6 new faces. With this years’ season coming to a close, the ladies are looking for more gals to join in on the...
Co-ed Social Nights a big hit

Co-ed Social Nights a big hit

Friday nights at the club used to be rather quiet, until Deb Doughty and JoAnne Kraninger took over.  Periodically over this winter, groups of couples have been sharing a lot of laughter and paddle as they mix it up at the Cedar Club.  If you’re interested to...
TCC Women Rock!

TCC Women Rock!

Come wind, rain, snow, sleet or hail (OK, maybe not the hail part), TCC women love the game in whatever weather Wisconsin throws our way.  Although the men steal Tuesday through Thursday nights, our women’s league is a more loose collection of ladies who find...