5 years ago, this image of 18 women, comprised the heart of the TCC Women’s League.  Today, 9 of them remain as active paddle players, along with 6 new faces. With this years’ season coming to a close, the ladies are looking for more gals to join in on the fun.

“Our numbers are holding pretty steady, with women who play on Monday nights and on Thursday and Friday mornings.  We find a time that suits our schedules and we all just love to play,” said Deb Doughty, acting Commissioner of the Women’s League (or as some might say, the-only-one-who-had-the-roster-to-call-for-subs). “But, we’d love to invite more women to join our group.”

“We don’t rank each other like the guys do,” commented Julie Doman, wife to the #31st ranked Men’s League player, Kurt.  “We just don’t see the need to measure… our abilities that way.”

Commissioner Doughty, known for her wicked drive backhand return, seconded this notion, “It’s not that we don’t compete, it’s just that we don’t see the need to figure out who’s number 1…. besides, that’s what the State Closed is for.”

“Everyone continues to improve,” said Ann Riley. “I know my net play is so much better this year, in part because Joann seems to get to everything!”

This year’s line up of players, listed alphabetically, so that no one could misconstrue them as a ranking are: Jill Curran, Julie Doman, Deb Doughty, Annie Farley, Chris Feierstein, Joann Kraninger, Julie Kuether, Holly Leider, Linda Lundeen, Jen Martone, Justine Mastrolia, Deb Murphy, Ann Riley, Deb Schachenman and Terri Stangl.

“Playing paddle is a blast.” says the hard-hitting Annie Farley, “I think I might like it even more than tennis. You can play in the winter, get a good workout and the camaraderie between us all is really great.”

If you’re looking for a whole lot of fun, without the pressure to fight for an engraving on a plaque that collects dust in a club house, ladies of all abilities are encouraged to give paddle a try.  Just ask newcomer Holly Leider, “I just played a match with Deb, Chris and Jen that went to a tiebreak… what can I say, I’m hooked.”


Contact Deb Doughty at debkdoughty (at) gmail.com for more info.