Most every question you have is answered here.Welcome to the Club
If you would like to learn the game from the best instructors in the sport, we’ve posted the first 10 Tips from the APTA (American Platform Tennis Association) for you to learn from, right on our blog! Check out the first one here, or go into our blog page and select PADDLE 101 from the categories list. All the videos are worth watching, when you have the time. You will also find that watching them multiple times throughout time will help your plat quite a bit.
Club History
Men's League
Inclement Weather
Ball Fees
Find a Sub
Please only email everyone when you have exhausted other options or it is a last second emergency. Nobody likes to receive 20 emails about matches that they really are not a fit for. Sending an email to all and forgetting about it is not acceptable. There is nothing worse than busting your butt to make it to the club for a 6:00 match to find out that you are a guy short and you can’t play a real match. We need to make sure that this never happens.
Food & Beverages
Reserving the Club House
Reserve a Court
Want to get some extra paddle in? Have a paddle party with friends? Hone your game for an upcoming match? Then feel free to book time on our court calendar via Yahoo. It’s not too hard to do.
Here’s how:
STEP ONE: Go to the Yahoo Login page. CLICK HERE
STEP TWO: Sign in using these credentials…
Enter your email: Thecedarclub (see adjacent image)
Password: Paddle6060
STEP THREE: You’re actually signed into The Cedar Club’s Yahoo Email account (so no messing around). Simply click on the MAIL icon. Then click on the CALENDAR icon (found in the upper left of the page. This will take you to the actual calendar.
STEP FOUR: Check to see if you date and time is available and then click on the “New Event” link. Book your time and you’re good to go! Please try to limit your play to 2 hours or less.
STEP FIVE: Log out under the CEDAR tab in the upper right of the page.
Remember, we do have two courts available for play.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ NOTE FROM THE BOARD _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- For private events before 5PM there is a 2 hour max.
- For private events on Friday night and the weekend, after 5PM you can reserve for more than 2 hours
- When the courts are reserved for private events, members should not show up and try to use the courts, even if there is a court not being used. People are reserving and paying. Members not involved in the event should not be on site.
Over the holidays, all league and Thurs/Fri reserved courts will be removed from the calendar. Lessons should not be scheduled over the holiday breaks.
Open Paddle
Club Etiquette
While we do not have paid employees, we do have some awesome members who volunteer endless hours to make sure that your experience is a great one. Running a league with 100+ members is no easy task. It takes a great deal of time and project management skills to pull it off. At times, something/someone may fall through the cracks. If that happens, we will try our best to right the situation. But please remember, we also have day jobs and might not necessarily have the time to discuss how you feel that you should be rated 20 spots higher than you currently are during work hours. If you feel that a major mistake has been made with your ladder placement, feel free to reach out to us (use the Contact Page and send us your thoughts). The ladder does work. Over time it places everyone pretty much where their play dictates.
Opening & Closing the Club
When you are the last to leave the club, please do the following:
- Turn down the thermostat to the mid 40’s. Please don’t turn it off completely.
- Make sure that there aren’t any cups or debris lying around. Even if you didn’t make the mess, you are able to quickly clean it up.
- Check that the sliding doors are locked.
- Check that all lights, beer signs, T.V.’s and stereo are turned off.
- If the portable speaker was taken outside, please make sure that it is placed back next to the stereo and plugged into its charger.
- Press the lock button on the front door as you exit.

Lied/Larsen win Smack!
Strongest field yet in 25th Anniversary Year! Thanks to Nick Curran for founding it 25 years ago, and finishing up in fine fashion as The Cedar Club played host to most of the matches (along with the University Club and the Town Club) on a perfect paddle day on...

Smack 25! Draw
Men of SMACK! The moment has arrived. You are fully committed and ready to paddle til you drop. SMACK! is only one sleep away. Looks like a little weather may be approaching, so bring your mittens. The main draw is attached. A few tidbits: • Go directly to your...
The Cedar Club exists to promote the sport of Platform Tennis to enthusiasts of all skills levels. We strive to provide an affordable venue with unique amenities that not only promote the sport but also the social elements of the sport and club that are important to our members. The Cedar Club strives to make a positive impact on our community.