Paddle with a Purpose
The mission of Cedar Club Charities is to create opportunities for our members to give back to the community and in doing so, position The Cedar Club as a responsible corporate citizen. The organizations we choose to support are local charities or non-profit community organizations. We strive to serve the underserved organizations that exist in our communities, providing a positive example for other platform tennis clubs to join us in giving back to the community.
Giving Guidelines
• Charity is personal.
• No one will be required or pressured to contribute.
• Organizations that we support will not be closely affiliated with a specific religion.
• We will focus on smaller, local organizations that don’t receive as much support as larger, more established charities.
• We will support charities as well as non-profit, civic organizations.
• Our geographical reach will start in Cedarburg and radiate out to the surrounding communities of our members.
• Cedar Club Charities will always be open to suggestions and ideas.
• There will be on-going campaigns as well as campaigns tied to club events.
• The contributions of our members will consist of time, talent or treasure.
We’ve helped raise funds for the Honor Flight, had members participate in the experience… why even one of our members shot the images used in the Honor Flight book. READ MORE >