Men's Summer League

If you're looking for compliments, this might not be the Club for you.


Monday:  Reserved for Women’s League (4pm til 10pm)

Tuesday – Thursday: Men’s League play from 6pm til 10pm.

Friday: Great night for a couples mixer (contact Deb Doughty on dates and times).

Saturday: Check the schedule (below) to see if court time is booked.  10am til noon — OPEN PADDLE.

Sunday: Check the schedule.  Book a time for yourself and your friends.


Like it or not, here’s how the paddle gods have you ranked at the end of this year’s Winter Season.  Don’t like your spot…  you might want to get into the SUMMER LEAGUE and hone your skills.

Just looking for your fourth who has yet to show up? 
Click on the image/button below.


Place your name here and your legacy will live on forever…

Add your name to TCC legends, like Arvold, Brogan, Welch, Smith, Bayliss, Brock and Vuk. 




It’s Summer Paddle, baby!  Get your butt out there on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night from 6:00 to 10pm.  Super fun, more relaxed, easier to work on your game without feeling like you’ll drop 8 miles in the rankings.  Dan Einhorn is the M.C. of Summer Ball, so take it up with him if you have an issue.  Better yet, just deal with it yourself!


(Schmeiding Highly Intuitive Technology)

How to Book a Court

Want to get some extra paddle in?  Have a paddle party with friends? Hone your game for an upcoming match?  Then feel free to book time on our court calendar via Yahoo.  It’s not too hard to do.

Here’s how:

STEP ONE: Go to the Yahoo Login page.  CLICK HERE

STEP TWO: Sign in using these credentials…
Enter your email:  Thecedarclub  (see adjacent image)
Password: Paddle6060

screen-shot-2016-10-05-at-2-29-32-pmSTEP THREE: You’re actually signed into The Cedar Club’s Yahoo Email account (so no messing around). Simply click on the MAIL icon.  Then click on the CALENDAR icon (found in the upper left of the page.  This will take you to the actual calendar.

STEP FOUR: Check to see if you date and time is available and then click on the “New Event” link.  Book your time and you’re good to go!  Please try to limit your play to 2 hours or less.

STEP FIVE: Log out under the CEDAR tab in the upper right of the page.

Remember, we do have two courts available for play.


  • For private events before 5PM there is a 2 hour max.
  • For private events on Friday night and the weekend, after 5PM you can reserve for more than 2 hours
  • When the courts are reserved for private events, members should not show up and try to use the courts, even if there is a court not being used.  People are reserving and paying.  Members not involved in the event should not be on site.


  • Over the holidays, all league and Thurs/Fri reserved courts will be removed from the calendar.  Lessons should not be scheduled over the holiday breaks.

There is no way that my ranking is that low!

The ranking system (Schmieding Highly Intuitive Technology) is almost foolproof.  Your complaint better be good.