Super Paddle Saturday
“I can’t think of a better way to spend Super Bowl Saturday than playing paddle all day!” — Paddle Legend, Nick Curran
SMACK! is celebrating its 20th year! Thank you to all who have participated. I would like to publicly thank a few great people who I am fortunate to call great friends who have always been there for me throughout the many years of running this tournament.
Aaron Gardeninger…The best at everything
Slade McIrishorgerman….In the early years, he was all I had
Juan Hairyback….Super solid and means more to me than water
Mark Shortoski…helping to keep all the naysayers in check at TC
Bent Sniff…best recruiter of paddlers our state has ever known
Eric Mcnulty…always willing to help me manage the monkeys and clean up after them
Scott Schroeburg….He opens his house, he sponsors….dude just gives
Butch Glebhard….so many favors I lost count
Look, I am sure I forgot someone. I only had 5 minutes to prepare this announcement. Relax and know I will never forget you completely.
I strongly encourage everyone to sign up as soon as possible to avoid the devastation of not making the roster. This is an “A/B” tournament. The SMACK! Judgement Committee will reject all non-conformers.
Entry Options:
Email: with your team and cell numbers
Cost: $100/Player (the favor alone is worth $100….no joke)
SMACK! is headquartered at The Cedar Club and matches will be played at The Town Club, Tripoli Country Club, Milwaukee Country Club and the Schroeder Compound. Matches will start at 8 am, an incredible lunch will be served at The Cedar Club from 11 am – 2 pm, and a fabulous dinner will be served during the finals at The Cedar Club, around 5 or 6 pm.
I look forward to seeing everyone there!
— Nick Curran
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