Smack! 25

Smack! 25

Gentlemen it is time!  One of the, if not THE, most anticipated paddle event of the year….SMACK, is just around the corner. This is the 25th annual SMACK! Unfortunately for us, it is Nick Curran’s final year running the tournament. So whether you’re participating or...
TCC Players at Chicago Charities Tourney

TCC Players at Chicago Charities Tourney

Gentlemen of this fine establishment,  For the first time in my life, I emailed a tournament director telling him what an incredible event he put on. This tournament was so well run… everyone should try to either play in it (there are multiple...
Brew City Open

Brew City Open

Brew City Open Registrations are rolling in now, so be sure to register as entries are accepted on a first come first serve basis. Register by this Monday Nov. 4 to guarantee your favor is available at tournament time. Reg. closes Nov 10! I want to reinforce that...