Gentlemen it is time!  One of the, if not THE, most anticipated paddle event of the year….SMACK, is just around the corner.

This is the 25th annual SMACK! Unfortunately for us, it is Nick Curran’s final year running the tournament. So whether you’re participating or not, please come out to thank Nick for creating and running this great event and give him a hero’s sendoff. 25 years of service to our beloved sport deserves celebration!

I am sending this email to ensure everyone has it on their calendar, can grab their partner, knows the general details, etc. Official email from Nick coming soon.

SMACK Details

  • Hosted at Milwaukee area clubs, with Cedar Club acting as main host site.
  • The date is Feb 8 – Superbowl Saturday per usual.
  • Matches start at 8am, ending around 5pm, maybe, not sure.
  • Tournament cost is $100 per person
  • Draw size will be limited to 28 teams. It will fill up so throw your name in the hat asap.
  • This is an A-B Tournament, more on that below
  • There will be a tournament favor, lunch, and dinner included.
  • The favor will be a long sleeve top, include your shirt size when registering, and do it quickly, shirts will be ordered within the week!

The annual debate…what is an “A” and what is a “B”??  Well, anyone can be an “A”, you just have to believe in yourself.  “B” on the other hand is where you can get in trouble.  There are no clear guidelines, and final determination is up to Nick and his committee. His wording to me was “’B’s can be good players, they’re just not among the top players.”

I also don’t know exactly what that means, but let’s just say if you win with a B that others think is an A, you’re opening yourself up to a world of hurt. Have some respect for yourself.  Do you really want to win with the whispers of “his partner isn’t a B” echoing in your mind for eternity??  I’ll also add that if your “A” is a super star, there will be more criticism of the “B”.

To apply to play in the event, email or text NICK CURRAN, not me. I’m sending this because I have email addresses and his computer is temporarily down. I’m just the messenger.

You can email Nick at, or text him at 414.702.8894. Include your shirt size!

This message was sent with the written consent of Nick Curran. Terms and Conditions subject to change. Official SMACK email should come from Nick in a few days.

As always, if you want OFF my paddle email list or have someone to ADD, please let me know.

Dave Brock