Hey, Boys,

Here is where we are with Globall.  The tournament is on November 2, so coming up fast.  The Town Club has 36 guys in.  While I would love to get to that number, based on where we are that is unlikely.

Session 1 would be 8:00am start time and the whole session should end by 3:00pm with some of them ending around 1:00pm or 2:00pm

Session 2 would be 2:00pm start time and the whole session should end by 10:00pm with some of them ending around 8:00pm or 9:00pm

I have 24 guys IN (see below):

I haven’t heard definitively from Brock, Mull, Lynch, so any encouragement from the peanut gallery is appreciated there.  If you are OUT, and your plans have changed, let me know.  I need to set the partners, timing, etc this week (Gards wants to do this at our breakfast tomorrow).   Thoughts are appreciated.

Bayliss, B.Brogan, Arvold, Feldman, Duke, Miles, Regenfuss, Gabriel, Johnson, Wier, Einhorn, Creten, Mayer, Moeser, Lehmann, Martone, Demet, Bolliger, Laughlin, Gelin, Feldbreugge, Potokar, Wawrzyn and Kass.

— Danny Boy