18 teams vie for TCC’s most coveted title
TCC President Dale Borowiak released this year’s Men’s Club Championship draw for this St. Patrick’s Day Saturday extravaganza — “It’s another strong field this year with four of our Top 10 ranked players in the tournament.”
Six years ago, the “Middle Miracle” occurred with the team of Mrotek/Lindstrum pulling off an impossible championship. This year, that honor would go to the likes of Moeser/Jenkins or Doman/Mentzer, who not only sit at the very middle in the TCC rankings, but also square off vs. each other as the day’s first match.
“You know, it could happen,” stated Dave Jenkins unconvincingly. Too bad the winner of their contest will face #1 ranked Andrew Bayliss and his #80 partner, Greg Marks.
“Greg’s play will be instrumental if I am to win the championship… er, I mean, if WE are to win the championship,” noted Bayliss.
David “Dangerfield” Brock, last year’s champion (along with Eric Zoromski) seems to be all business this year, with his last-guy-to-sign-up-for-the-tournament partner, Robb Edwards. “Did you even mention that I’ve won this thing two years in a row? Of course not.”
(Please see David Brock’s free-flowing commentary for this year in the post scriptum)
Teams that also look to make a run for the title could be Arvold/Showalter, Brogan/Garni and Welch/Wagner, but can Beany last for four matches? The curiously absent, Brett Smith was overheard to utter, “It’s Beany, how can you not root for him?”
VIEW THE DRAW > 2018-TCC-Championship
Some stats and info for your pre-tournament blog.
• Combined team ratings attached
• I am the two time defending champ, and somehow the 4th seed! Raw deal!
• Last year Bayliss was credited pre-tournament for winning the previous year, NO, it was me!
• Despite winning the last two years, I have YET to see my name on the walls of the cedar club!
I’ve never seen Edwards play, never met him, don’t know his first name. Bet he’s going home with the trophy come Saturday night.
• Won before, check
• Won twice before, check
• Lowest combined team rating (except for 1 middleman team), check
• Chip on shoulder, check
• Angry, check
• Hungry, check
• Will win this year, CHECKMATE
— D.B.
Strong words… Come on out on Saturday to heckle your favorite two-time champion!
Not only have we met, you’ve also seen me play. Can I get a new partner?
i remember nothing and nobody. focus on the now, forget the past. it makes me stronger
im going to get assaulted on saturday
and they call me brock lobster*
*all credit to squirrel man
The TCC applauds the strong convictions of Mr. Brock and only wishes him well in his endeavor to win a third title. To Mr. Edwards, no, you may not change partners. Best of luck.
Good luck to Brock Lobster and some other guy. The key to winning the championship and be a part of three-peat history is to stay in your corner. A little tiny corner somewhere near the fence where the ball cannot possibly go. Look for the tiny taped-off square to stand in. And BTW – when the hell are our names going up on the wall?
Zoro, first off, if you want your name on the wall you need to win with Duke. You’d be on the wall by days end.
Secondly, I will forever remember our first point together. The floater over the middle, right in my forehand wheel house, things are about to get electric. As I step in and wind up our opponents are running off the court, the paramedics are being called, nobody knows whats gonna happen, but it’s gonna be explosive. Then out of the corner of my eye I see you roll in, steal my glory, and casually dump it in the net…THE CROWD, WENT, WILD!
Thanks for the memories.
**You and Tom Nye should probably get an extra award for tolerating me for an entire day. Truly remarkable, my hats off to you
FYI — Lowest combined team rating should mean that you have a distinct advantage.