Borowiak steps down as President


I wanted to let everyone know that I will stepping down as the Prez of the CC and a member of the board.  I’ve enjoyed being part of the board, but it’s time to let the younger folks get more involved and start driving change and decisions.  With that said, Martin Vertacnik will become the new Prez.  

I like to thank a few folks.  

Thanks to Dan and Jon for taking over the tournaments and grown them like they have over the past few years.  Thanks to Brad S and B-mac for volunteering to take over the exchanging of kegs and cutting the grass.  

It certainly takes a village at a club like ours when everything is voluntary and we need members to help out.  Thanks to those who always showed up for the fall club cleanup!! Tom L, thx for running the pizza purchases, it does not go unnoticed.  If you would like to get more involved in the running of the club, reach out to Brad B or Martin, there’s always something to do 🙂

I would like to thank the owners, Brad, Eric, Don and Woody for letting me be a member of this amazing club and having my voice heard.

See you guys on the court.

And remember, always play for the LOB of it!!

— Dale