Paddle People,

I wanted to give everyone an update on the upcoming year.  First, a quick shout out to Caio and David Brock for assisting in getting the dates on the calendar with plenty of notice.  Also, thank you to the board for creating and maintaining such a fantastic place. Please make sure when you are at the club, you treat it appropriately, so we can continue to bring Joy to the lives of our members.

If I miss anything, please chime in to correct.  Attached is the schedule for the year, but let me elaborate.

As stated, league play will begin the first week in October.

Summer paddle will go through September 7th, where we will have our end of season tournament.  This week we are playing Tuesday and Thursday, so let me know when you can play.  After the 7th, we will have open paddle throughout the rest of September.

New members should come either Wednesday, September 18th or Tuesday September 24th.  This will give us the ability to slot new members into the appropriate spots.  We will meet on September 24th afterwards to move existing members as well.  Feel free to let me know if you want to assist in that process.

Brad S – if you can let me know who are the prospective new members, I am happy to reach out to them to schedule.

The Wisconsin State Open and Closed are back on this year, as well as the traditional SMACK tournament.  Obviously more details to follow, but consider this your SAVE THE DATE.

I am working with a Chicago Club called Tennequa to set up a tournament in October.

The Fall Classic, will be similar to the tournaments we have run in the past

The Club Championship will be more of a “Club Championship”  You will need to qualify in order to participate, and we will have a smaller draw, where the top players will play with guys no higher than 50 on the ladder… Should be fun.


In the bonds,