Quick unofficial update.
See two attachments for future reference. Save the excel file to your computer for subbing purposes.
Attached are three items
- General rules and info for the new guys.
- Spreadsheet of current league members
- Paddle for sale – https://xenonpaddle.com/collections/platform-tennis-paddles
Let me know if you want to purchase the brand new paddle above, ordered it by accident. Same weight and balance as the old black and white Xenon, with a new fancy oval hole pattern for more spin. Retail $230, will sell for $200, not even in stores yet!
Main point today is to ensure the subbing process is properly and efficiently followed this year. It is a big part of ensuring a fun season since 75% of matches probably have at least one sub.
At a bare minimum, when finding a sub, go to this sheet, select the 5 guys below/above your rank and fire off an email. CC the other players in the group so they know what’s going on. Be cognizant of who is in the match and do your best to find the best possible replacement for a fun match. You’ll be glad when others do that for you.
If you want to be a subbing savant
- See if a similar rank is on bye week and text them.
- Text the 2-3 guys that would make the best sub.
- Check the schedule for guys playing before/after your match.
- Be particularly diligent if subbing out of 600 matches, nobody is there to cover if you don’t show!!
Finally, there will be a diligent effort to make Thursday night a poker night, so if that’s your thing come on out.
Good luck this November!
— Dave Brock
Want the listings of all of our members?
For security purposes, just go to your email from David Brock from 10/30/23 too view the XL file >

Want the TCC Rule Book? (you’ll find a Word Doc in that same email from Brock) The button below has all of the highlights, without the passcodes.
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