Why am I not playing on Friday?

If you’re not in the tournament, it’s because you didn’t get invited. The March Madness Invitational Tournament is set-up and run by TCC’s own Jon Feldbruegge. You are more than welcome to come and watch Wisconsin’s Premier St. Patrick’s Day Platform Tennis Tournament.

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Final email concerning Friday, March 17th.
Your time to back out has passed us and we are out of alternates.


The fee is $30 for those of you playing.  Full spread/bar provided. If you are coming as an interested alcoholic observer, please make an appropriate donation for your food/booze consumption. The spread is big enough for any and all who wish to join – members or non members.

More the merrier.

E-payment is strongly preferred:
venmo: @jon-feldbruegge
I can do Zelle – I think you just use phone number – 414-704-5279

Attached is a video of the Selection Show for your Tuesday afternoon enjoyment. Hoping it works as I we had some technical difficulties. Also included a list of the Pools and order of matches.
Format is simple – one set against each team in your respective pool (tie breaker at 6-6). Winners of each pool will play to tell their wives they were champs. Simple enough?
Let’s all be prompt.  No need for full warmups after your first set. Hoping to achieve 30 mins for each match. That keeps us in line with the desired 12:00 – 5:30. 

First matches will be at noon and we will just roll right on down the lists. Be flexible – a couple folks said they may have to take calls, etc. Some folks are more interested in Marquette at 1:45. All the matches have to get played, so the order shouldn’t be a major issue if we need to move stuff around.  Have a drink and go with it.

We will proceed with whatever weather conditions arise. Looks like we should be ok.

Shoot me a text with questions. I don’t really care about your concerns.


Revised schedule…

Aiken/Moser looks to be the pre-tournament favorite.