We wanted to let everyone know the running rules over the next two weeks.
On Tues/Wed during the evening hour’s, you can reserve the courts for 2 hour blocks to play with whomever you like.
Thursday will be Open paddle and may be a good night to come up for some paddle holiday cheer.
I find many good balls in the area around the courts. We ask that you retrieve all balls that you hit out of the court.
A reminder that we are a dog friendly club, please be sure to pick up your dog’s poop (I’ve found them). It’s YOUR responsibility.
If you can’t manage this, please leave your dog at home!
The snow is back. Please be patient with our maintenance crew. Mike does a great job. He will also be off over Xmas and has another employee covering for him.
League will resume the week of Jan 2nd.
Happy Holiday!!
The Board
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