20+ guys show up for Open League Night paddle.
75 degrees, a light breeze, a newly refurbished deck and an overflow crowd of Summer Men’s League players showed up from 7-10pm on Wednesday, August 24th for some great paddle, a little drinking, pizza and a bunch of heckling.
Could life get any better?
“FarleyRules” was in force — FBI (First Ball In) & FMI (First Mulligan In) for each and every set added to the fun. Summer Commissioner Dan Einhorn, newly back from his time in Sweden said, “I can’t ever remember there being this many guys out here for Summer Paddle.”
It’s true, it was the best crowd the club has seen since the Men’s Club Championship.
“Why doen’t eveyrone play Summerball?” asked Adman Pat Laughlin.
It’s a mystery… but one that these guys could care less about.
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