Welcome to the 46th Annual Platform Tennis Championships (aka The Wisconsin Closed) hosted by The Town Club

This is our annual State Championship tournament which has a long and storied history and we are looking forward to writing a new chapter on Saturday, April 9th, 2022.  The past couple of years saw us not have a tournament in 2020 and we only had a Men’s event in 2021.  This year’s tournament will offer the following draws:
Women’s OPEN
Women’s B
Men’s OPEN
Men’s B
If you are unsure if you should sign up for OPEN or B, feel free to reach out to us.  Typically, the OPEN draw is for the top teams.  The B’s are on their way up… or down.  No matter where you sign up, you will eventually seek your own level.  You are guaranteed 3 matches.  That is the beauty of a paddle tournament.  The tournament is CLOSED to Wisconsin residents only.  
Our plan, depending upon the size of the draw, is to start play for the for the Men’s Draws on Saturday morning at 8 am.  We plan on starting the Women’s matches late morning on Saturday.  We will have a lunch at The Town Club Paddle Hut area.   This is a ONE DAY TOURNAMENT.  We will finish up all of the matches Saturday afternoon.   
This year’s tournament will be run by the Wisconsin Platform Tennis AssociationRusty Long will be the Tournament Director and will run the tournament desk.   Brett Smith, Scott Pecor and  Town Club Paddle Pro Caio will all be assisting.   IF you are not playing, we could use hut captains Saturday morning & early afternoon for Cedar Club and a floating captain at Milwaukee Country Club & University Club (Tripoli).  Reach out to Scott if you would like to help.  
To enter, please email Scott  or Brett with your team.  We will have everyone pay the day of the event.  Town Club Members will be able to charge their fees to their account.  The cost of the tournament is $ 50 per person.  Due to the late signup period, there will not be favors.  We will have beer & soda at the host site.  Sign ups are due by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th at 5pm.  We will be doing the draws Wednesday night and post the draws on Thursday.  We will post everything on our Milwaukee Area Platform Tennis Facebook page.  
We would again like to thank The Town Club Board for allowing us to host this tournament in these crazy times.  Thanks goes out to The Cedar Club, Milwaukee Country Club and The University Club for making their courts available to us.   
To enter, please email or text us:
Scott Pecor  414-737-5866  specor@aol.com
Brett Smith   262-255-9545   smithbrett19@gmail.com 
Caio Goncalves Barros  414-491-1750   caio@thetownclub.com 
Can the people who have access to the Town Club / Cedar Club / Western / Cherokee / etc.. Men’s & Women’s Leagues please forward it to your lists.  We are reaching out to the other area clubs.  For those of you that this weekend did not work out, we are very sorry. 
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call Scott or Brett.
Wisconsin Platform Tennis Association  

Brett Smith
