
Final friday details and email. Start time is 1. Lunch coming at 1:30.

Fee: $30. venmo: @jon-feldbruegge   paypal:   zelle: 4147045279 . The electronic payment very much makes things easy on me, but if you insist on the cash – I will accept it.

Format: Very simple. Two pools of 5 teams. Round Robin format –  play each team in your pool in a 10 game superset. Record your differential of games on the scoresheet that will be on the table  (+2, -4, etc.). Tiebreak at 10-10 (winner is +1; Loser is -1).The winner of each pool will play for the prestigious crown – championship participants can decide on the format.

I’ve attached a selection show video and a schedule. Not my best morning. Pool 1 is on Court 1. Pool 2 on Court 2. Just roll right on down the list with the first matches beginning at 1. Let’s keep warmups after the first match anywhere from a minimum to not at all. Goal is to be done by 5:30.

Team Einhorn does have some timing issues on the back end. We are trying to accommodate that. We may have to adjust on the fly.

You’ll note an unfamiliar name on the list. Greg (Kevin) Moser is a friend of mine from college. He plays in Cleveland and filled the last spot for us. If you have complaints, you can direct them to him.

Shoot me a note with questions. I wish none of you, except for Nick Creten, any luck.

Pool 1


Pool 2
