Eight members from the Hinsdale Platform Tennis Association at Katherine Legge Memorial Park in Hinsdale, Illinois will be using our courts to send one of their members off who is relocating. This club heard about us from the podcast I had shared with the group from Arvy.
If you are up at the club playing open, you are more than welcome to hang around and meet these guys. I think they’d even appreciate, and get a kick out of some heckling. I did just want everyone to know it wasn’t a situation where you had to hurry off.
— Dale Borowiak, President
Cedar Club Hecklers,
What can we say other than “thank you” for all the heckling, laughs & warm welcome you sent our way yesterday. You are a group of stand-up guys and have an awesome thing going at the Cedar Club. From the Vodka-Alliance, the manger to the shot-ski inside the hut, you guys know how to do it up right!!
Your crew is welcome to come down to Chicago anytime, we’d love to host you at KLM!! It’s an open invitation that we look forward to returning.
Thanks, fellas!!