Film at 11.
We should have seen the signs…
• the curious partnership with Schmieding Highly Intuitive Technology (S.H.I.T)
• the delay in the first week of paddle
• the furor over the 2018 rankings
• Einhorn/Bear crushing Farley/Dermond on a recent Saturday morning
It all points to a breakdown in the system.
TCC President Dale Borowiak offered a mea culpa and urgent plea to “take the time to rest your body, play open, or schedule a match.”
A schedule intended to be a month ahead is now a week behind. It’s rumored that Curt Lundeen is “drastically” sick and that the official schedule will return in a week… but his recent photographic Facebook post (just 19 hrs ago) suggests otherwise.
Said TCC veteran and social media sleuth Brett “Duke” Smith, “The imagery of these huge rolling waves in black and white is lovely work, Curt… but your bronchitis ploy is not fooling any us.”
“Get well soon, Curt,” was the response by Steve “Squirrel” Mayer.
“OK, one of us was fooled,” stated Duke, regretfully.
“I think he should come clean that the Lundeen 3000 has been compromised by foreign powers — namely, the Town Club,” was the stinging accusation directed at Borowiak by notorious “hit man”, Tom Lehman. “I think I know why I’ve been so far down on the ladder now.”
Borowiak denied any wrong-doing or that tampering had gone on — stating there was “nothing wrong with the system.” (wink)
At five weeks into the new season, Men’s League rankings are still holding at pre-season levels with no vertical movement. Everyone is on edge and this week’s matches will have to be pulled together by ordinary men doing extraordinary things… like showing up on a Tuesday night in November to drink beer, talk smack and play a little open paddle just “for fun”.
Chaotic times, indeed.
This is an orchestrated political hit job, design to smear my name, my program and my love for beer….I love beer, I drink beer, my friends drink beer….I love beer. That fact that this scandalous rumor is leaked on the night before the mid-term elections and outrageous!!!!!
I challenge Duke to a chugging contest. I will drink a shot of Listerine and Duke can drink from my bedside glass full of green rubber balls from my left lung……