With speculation continuing to brew over who might pony up $6,000,000/year for naming rights to the new Milwaukee Bucks Arena, a new sponsor seems to have come to the forefront for our own Club.  This sign emblazoned across the Court 1 screen seems to suggest that The Cedar Club has been hard at work finding it’s own sponsorship money.

Perhaps the two are related?  It may explain why the Bucks deal is slow to emerge if Dan Einhorn felt that the deal with Albiero Plumbing needed to close before he could put his full attention to the Bucks Arena?

“That’s preposterous,” Einhorn muttered, but it’s just the sort of obfuscation one would expect.

What’s more… it would already appear that John Deere has the naming rights for the landscaping equipment, Waste Management for the garbage bins and Crystal Springs for the water contract.

“I say sell it all,” stated Mike Farley, “As a marketing guy, I don’t see any downside… besides, we could use the new money to offset member costs or to simply bribe, er, encourage town officials to allow us to put in a third court.”

What’s next?  Negotiations are already underway for the Don Welch / Del Monte Asparagus Grill and the Bobby Sheehy / Emil’s Pizza Food Counter.

The Club is looking for your suggestions.