As promised, attached is the October schedule.   

I was able to accommodate most requests but the first schedule always presents some unique challenges so if you need any adjustments please work to resolve it through finding an appropriately ranked sub.  Do not leave people hanging by not showing up to your match.

New this year:  The powers that be have decided that to increase potential movement up and down the ladder we will begin the season with only 75 points separating each rank (last year it was 100).   Don’t like your ranking?  Win a few matches in a row.  Also remember to ensure scores are entered immediately after your match in order for the appropriate rankings and matchups to be reflected in the subsequent week.

Lastly, I am also providing a link below where you can view the schedule, scores, or rankings at any time from any device.  Note, this is view only so no score entry or edits will be possible through this mechanism.  Entry of scores is only possible using the laptop at the club.

Google Docs Link >



— Brad

2024 Fall League Rankings:

“Am I really that bad?”

In a word… YUP.

And if you’re not, you’ll just get to winning and move up the ladder!

Oh, by-the-way, former club championa and all-around-good-guy, Andrew Bayliss is back. 🙂