After a long and storied campaign, The Cedar Club Softball Team has finally whimpered into the night.  After seven seasons of ignominious play, the squad could no longer field either an active manager or a full roster — the two greatest accomplishments of the team, btw.

The team’s origins actually started as M & I Bank back in 2002, then shifted to the Silver Creek Brewery in 2007 and Ernie’s Wine Bar a season later… until 2010, The Cedar Club set up shop — managed then, by current TCC President Dale Borowiak.  Not unlike the Seattle Pilots turning into the Milwaukee Brewers, the precedent set by the M & I founders was so bad that losing seasons were almost guaranteed for the club.  It is believed that in only one season could the team manage .500 play.  When Dan Einhorn took over the helm in 2014, the excitement of the “new look” TCC was quickly displaced by the consistency of mediocre to completely lackluster play.

“Our pitching wasn’t really that bad, our hitting could be atrocious at times, but the hallmark of this team was in the field,” reminisced long time utility man Mike Farley. “You could almost set your watch by one of our ‘disaster’ innings.  We’d be up by a run or two, our spirits rising, then BAM!  …we’re down by 7, just trying to keep from being mercy ruled off the field.”

“That may be true,” stated pitcher Shoeless Dan Einhorn, “but some of our comebacks were epic. We lost, of course, but they were epic.”

So bad was the play that it is believed that there is not one image of any player, coach or game highlight (or lowlight) for the entirety of the franchise in existence. In today’s digital age, unheard of.

The most senior member of the team, Larry Kane (known in the Cedarburg Over 30 softball for the Larry-shift) remarked, “Each year I’d buy a new bat for the team.  You’d think $200 could buy you a hit.  I was wrong.”

TCC Softball Hall of Famer Jerry Zavorka, through muffled tears added, “I loved this team. I loved the camaraderie. But most of all, I loved the beer.  I’ll miss the beer.”