
A few Housekeeping things to go over.

We are experiencing some issues with the court reservation process with our Cedar Club Yahoo account. It seems as if we were hacked at some point and a two step authentication is needed. Please understand we are working to resolve this issue, be patient as this might take a minute. We understand that this is an issue for you scheduling matches outside of the league and open paddle. It’s an issue for everyone….

As a reminder we have a strict policy of lights out and music off by 10pm. There will be no questions asked regarding this policy. We also Ask that if you are outside by the fire you’re keeping your voices down. I understand we all enjoy eachothers company but please be respectful of our neighbors.


I know you all think you’re entitled to new and fresh balls every time you play paddle because you see such a difference in your game with a fresh ball, however that’s just not the case! Your dues help to cover the balls used during your league matches. So yes, you are allowed a fresh ball for your league match. Saturdays and other oppen paddle matches are your responsibility to purchase balls or use freshly retired balls. This is not a change in policy, just a reiteration of how this works. Yes, even if you are in the top 10 ten, it’s ok to use an old ball.

There are a few items around the clubhouse that have seen better days. The Grill, the Fridge and our Vacuum for starters. Seefeld is taking a stab at grill repair, his eagerness to grill more of his tasty fresh lake Michigan salmon has him playing Mr. Fix it. We are hoping that someone out there might have an old vac, or Garage fridge they might be parting with. Contact me if you have something and you’re willing to donate.

We had a great start to the paddle season, I am looking forward to seeing you all up at the club. Hope you’re having a good start to your week.

— Martin V. Prez.