Fleming/Hitler? Really?

Once again, the Cedar Club comes through with an outstanding event — The Summer Paddle Tournament Championship!  Hosted by Dan Einhorn and a fine assortment of beer, donuts, double-deep fried chicken and home made potato chips, all players found a way to put on additional pounds while they played competitive paddle.

Done round-robin style with AI generated tournament pairings, each of 20 players played three matches to determine which four would advance to the Championship match. By totalling the differential between wins and losses in each of the three matches, the top four (Brad Seefeld +20, John-Michael Fleming +18, Chris Hitler +14 and Matt Monroe +12) vied for the crown.

1 and 4 (Seefeld/Monroe) vs. 2 and 3 (Fleming/Hitler).  Brad Seefeld and Matt Monroe had been consistently coming to summer paddle the entire season. Plenty of practice, improvement and both with cool heads seemed poised to take the title. Especially when Chris Hitler was coming into the day with little summer experience and a partner who has been known for his volative antics on court. But John-Michael had the last laugh, with a steady stream of positive talk and a surprising bullet serve, the terrible twosome of Fleming/Hitler won the day!

“C’mon! Let’s go!”

If there was a betting pool, it would have been a handsome pot… for those of you that bet on Michigan and Notre Dame (or Einhorn and Farley) fared far worse.