I am sad to report SMACK has been delayed. However, we have the courts and enough teams. People have already spent their capital at home and deserve play. You’re wife doesn’t even need to know it’s not SMACK.
We obviously need to move quickly, so please read below and communicate with your partner and us ASAP.
Saturday Tournament
- 16 Team Draw w/ back draw
- Guaranteed two matches. If you want three, win.
- Not SMACK but still matters of course.
- Einhorn/Brock/Brogan are planners so comm. w/ us.
- Cost – probably $20 for food
- Will run 8-3pm
- Lunch and beer provided, you’ll be home for dinner
- Sites
- Primary Cedar
- MCC and Schroeders Supporting Early Round play
- Nonsense and badgering: Highly encouraged
Required Actions – 7 PM WEDNESDAY DEADLINE
- If you are already IN for Smack – CONFIRM YOU ARE STILL IN
- If you want to be in this event EMAIL EINHORN/BROCK/BROGAN
- If we don’t hear from you, you’re out.
- We will compile all of the details/draws and have it out first thing Thursday morning.

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