“We are out of Red Solo cups!”

That was the cry that went out from long time TCC member Thomas Lehmann.  Frightening, to be sure.  Who knew that in the time of COVID — inventory shortages on lumber, micro chips and toilet paper  — and now a shortage on the very lifeblood of the club… the Solo Cup.

“I couldn’t believe it,” lamented Lehmann, “It’s summer paddle, it’s hot, I’m on time… and then this happens.”

This, meaning, there is absolutely nothing to contain the liquid nourishment he, and a handful of others could imbibe with… unless you count the myriad of used cups in the trash, an Eric Arvold signed Smack cap or the dog bowl left from the days of Lilly.

“I thought long and hard about the dog bowl, but in the end, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I’m so ashamed.”

Will Tom’s call be answered?