TCC Blog site is the place to let your humor out.

For many years, the weekly paddle email chain provided some of the best banter known to mankind… however, it came at a price.  50-reply-all emails a day started to actually become a bother to some members.  So, to try to boost morale and to sequester the inane from your business world, please jump into a blog post comment to air your gripe, grievance or well placed zinger.

Try to keep it PG-13.  Try.


Lundeen inadvertently throws down the gauntlet on 3/4 of the club

Curt Lundeen, the very founder of the Lundeen 3000 — whose tireless efforts in keeping a respectable schedule and rankings up-to-date — recently made this apologetic post:

Guys – This weeks schedule is on website – Sorry for the delay. Vacation / Months end / Other sh*t going on. I am working on next weeks later this AM and will get that loaded by tomorrow. If you haven’t already, let me know if you need off and I will give you a bye.  We will have open paddle Thanksgiving week (Nov 22 & 23) Newbies, you may want to pop up this Thursday – Some pretty good matches to watch at 6:00 & 7:20 on Ct 1. Great chance to see how the game is played.

roster-circles_farleyMike Farley, the builder of this very website, felt a clear bias against anyone over a Top 20 ranking…

“Newbies — Yes, some good matches on Thursday evening early (some top 10 guys in action)…  as Curt said, “if you want to see how the game is played…” by paddle freaks.  But if you want to see how YOU’LL ACTUALLY PLAY in a year or two, stick around for the 8:40 match on the B court for Mrotek / Molepske vs. Lehman / Farley. Just sayin’.”
