Big Shots

If you're looking to complain, this might not be the Club for you.

America’s No.1  Platform Tennis Club with a garage for a club house.

If you haven’t heard the story regarding the origins of our club, we have the story framed right when you enter the club. Basically it all boils down to a group of 30 guys that were playing paddle together for years at the Highland House restaurant. When the restaurant decided to get rid of the courts, the only way that the group could stay together was to form their own club. A small number of dedicated enthusiasts created an LLC and invested to launch The Cedar Club. Those of us that have followed are eternally grateful that they took the plunge, since it has evolved into the club that so many of us love today.

Founding Fathers

Woody Alverson

Woody Alverson

Eric Arvold

Eric Arvold

Brad Brogan

Brad Brogan

Tom Hayes

Tom Hayes

Don Welch

Don Welch

Management Team

Martin Vertacnik

Martin Vertacnik


Brad Brogan

Brad Brogan


Mike Farley

Mike Farley

Web Czar

Deb Doughty

Deb Doughty

Women's Matchmaker

Brad Schmieding

Brad Schmieding

Men's Matchmaker

Dan Einhorn

Dan Einhorn

Summer Commissioner

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